Why start with NATURE and NATURAL SYSTEMS as a foundation for Systems Literacy.
Recorded in 2001/2002 for Ocean Literacy initiative.
Dr. Marcia McNutt, then President of the American Geophysical Union and Director of the Monterrey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, now in October 2018 President of the U.S. National Academies.
Systems Album from College of Exploration on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/album/5487219
International Society for the Systems Sciences
ISSS You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDgQTaNTjAwNqAQFQ8jXB6Q
July 2015 ISSS Annual Conference Berlin
July 2016 ISSS Annual Conference Boulder
July 2017 ISSS Annual Conference Vienna https://vimeo.com/227606488
July 2018 ISSS Annual Conference Workshop of Pattern Literacy for Systems Literacy
Discussion Part1: https://youtu.be/zx04LXUPo3s
Discussion Part2: https://youtu.be/J4Z98TGL3ro
Len Troncale presentation:https://youtu.be/RWccPsgoETQ
Michael Mehaffy presentation: https://youtu.be/JK3trWy0RjM
Len Troncale on Odum and field trips: https://youtu.be/lsQIY7K_nxU
Helene Finidori https://systemssciencesliteracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Patterns-Systems-ISSS-Workshop.pdf